Commercial Rekey
Call Us Today – 719-233-8873

Professional Colorado Springs Locksmith Services
If you’re in need of a professional locksmith service for your business, we urge you to call A Alpine Locksmith right now. No matter the size of your business—a small unit in an office building or a large, sprawling complex—we’ll make sure that it’s locks meet the highest standards of security. A Alpine Locksmith serves the largest and most respected businesses in Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs and the Woodland Park area, including store chains, supermarkets, and large office buildings. Why do owners of large businesses call us for their locksmith emergencies? It’s simple, really: Because no other locksmith company in the area can even hope to match our expertise and experience. Are we claiming too much? We don’t think so. In fact, we can back up every claim we make. And remember: Our locksmith services are not limited to businesses. We serve residences, as well.
Unlike so many locksmith companies, many of which never deliver on their promise to be available at all hours of the day and night, we put our money where our mouth is when we say that we’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. If you’re still not convinced, call us now and see for yourself how quickly we’ll send you a locksmith—even at 2am! How long will you have to wait? No more than 30 minutes. Visit one of our main locations: Calhan, Ellicott, Falcon, Fountain, Fortcarson, Manitou Springs, Monument, Palmer Lake, Peyton, and Woodland Park.


Call Us Today – 719-233-8873
Services: Rain or
Shine Anytime 24/7 - 365

We Service Colorado Springs and All Surrounding Areas
24 Hours, Day or Night, 7 Days per Week, any Holidays also, during all weather conditions including Rain, Shine, Thunderstorms, Hailstorms, Blizzards, Ice Storms, Tornado Outbreaks, Anytime!
We service Colorado Springs, Black Forest, Monument, Palmer Lake, Larkspur, Falcon, Peyton, Calhan, Ramah, Elbert, Ellicott, Yoder, Rush, Security, Widefield, Fountain, Pueblo, Pueblo West, Penrose, Florence, Rockvale, Canon City, Manitou Springs, Cascade, Green Mountain Falls, Woodland Park, Divide, Midland, Cripple Creek, Victor, and all Surrounding Areas.
We also Service All Military Bases including Fort Carson, Cheyenne Mountain Space Force Station, Peterson Space Force Base, Schriever Space Force Base, and United States Air Force Academy.
Call Us Today – 719-233-8873
Trained at ALOA and SAVTA

Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA)